WARNING: EXPLICIT NSFW MATERIALS: this blog contains adult stuff...no one under 18 should be viewing or contacting me...EVER! If I suspect you are not of legal age, you will be immediately blocked! Themes involving BONDAGE, CBT, CONTROL, DENIAL, TEASING, TORMENT are a few of my favorite things... all of this is for pure fantasy and is intended that it should stay that way. NO CLAIM IS MADE TO COPYRIGHT... material will be immediately removed upon request... just shoot me a message. I am not interested in meeting for real time so please don't bother asking. However, comments about these fantasy scenes are welcome...as is cultivating chats if you have any interest in online cyber role play.
"Just relax... surrender your body and mind to my massaging hypnotic touch... all the tension in your muscles... all your swirling thoughts melting away... your murky mind yearns to drift deeply into a completely relaxed receptive state... allow yourself to drop deep... unable to resist as you slip deeper and deeper... sliding so deeply into sweetly stimulating pleasurable submission..."
This blog contains adult content. In order to view it freely, please log in or register
and confirm you are 18 years or older
"Just relax... surrender your body and mind to my massaging hypnotic touch... all the tension in your muscles... all your swirling thoughts melting away... your murky mind yearns to drift deeply into a completely relaxed receptive state... allow yourself to drop deep... unable to resist as you slip deeper and deeper... sliding so deeply into sweetly stimulating pleasurable submission..."